Deciding where to go to college is a big decision. When selecting a college consider your interests, academic needs, and alignment with your career goals. It is also important to keep in mind other factors like campus size and location.
Staying organized in your college research process is crucial as is staying on top of admissions requirements and deadlines.
One of the first steps in deciding where to go to college is to think about what your future career goals might look like. When you have an idea about what sort of career you might be interested in it will be easier to find a good fit college.
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Figuring out which college or university is best for you requires keeping track of lots of important information including things like admission requirements, school profile, size, cost, and more.
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Based on your career interests, choose colleges with academic programs that meet your needs. Other considerations may be your ability to meet minimum admission requirements, the type of college, location, size, campus culture, in person vs. online courses, or whether a school has certain athletic programs, clubs, activities or affiliations that interest you.
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College Fit means making sure that the academic programs, campus life, extracurricular activities, location, size of school, cost, and other factors of the schools you are interested in are in alignment with your needs. You can test college fit by visiting a college campus, researching the school, and asking questions.
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Once you have completed your college research create a list of 5-6 schools you want to apply to. It’s best to apply to a variety of schools to be able to compare academic programs and financial aid packages. Submitting 5-6 college applications is suggested. Think of your list as having 2 Dream schools, 2 Target schools, and 2 Safety schools for a total of 6 college applications doing this will increase the chance of acceptance into at least 1 college.
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Eligibility requirements are the basic requirements needed for incoming students, these requirements can vary from school to school. Eligibility requirements may include things like GPA, HS course requirements, and/or college standardized test scores. The school may also consider other factors that may predict academic success in school like essays, auditions, or letters of recommendations. Requirements for each school are found on a college or university’s admissions page.
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